Thursday, April 19, 2012

Weezil Sleazebaggano

When I build Pirate MOCs (or any kind of MOCs, actually) I tend to use the same bunch of figs over and over, mostly because I am more of a builder or things, and figs are a constant thing throughout my LEGOverse. Easily one of my favorite Pirate Figs who has appeared over the many years is Weezil Sleazebaggano. (5th from the left, or 4th from the right in the following picture.)

This line of figs was about half my population of my first Pirate Town/port (Made in 200, and i have to say i have MUCH improved in the last 5 years), and since 2007 was the start of my Pirate building, one could say Weezil here is one of my oldest Pirate figs, when one doesn't take into account the 10 or so figs that came from various sets before hand. Heck, considering I now have over 200, since he is in the top 15 for oldest figs, that is kind of saying something. I think

Over the years, Weezil's 'personality' hasn't changed much. In fact, it has hardly changed at all. He started out as a low down, cigar/cigarette/deathstick seller, who would yank people out of alleys, and would  say "Want to buy a deathstick?" Yeah, this fig is basically a Bull Knight, a Star Wars minor-minor character, and a pirate, all thown into one. Heck, a running gag (That no one other then me would laugh at) is that Weezil is always irked that I have no Pirate town built, because he can't do any business then.

First cameo in a contest-orientated MOC
All in all, of all the (non official) pirate figs I have built, Weezil is one of my favorite, and even though he is basically a minor-minor SW character Pirate-afied. I like him.
Just going about his business in his latest Cameo