Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I made this little "Christmas card MOC" a couple years ago, but never got around to posting it anywhere. All the minifigs in the photo are special in some way. I really ought ot take a new picture, for there would be a few more minifigs.

From left to right, we have Captain Edward Netsooj (Story Character) Rick Ricks (Story Character and a friend's Sigfig) Eleman (My sigfig and also a story character) Flimsy (Ermmm, not to sure why she is here, actually. I think it was because I need someone to balance the picture out), A nameless (as far as I know) Sigifig of a friend, and Von sea, My first Pirate minifig (And my first Minifig, period)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas is on the horizon

With Christmas only one week away, I am finding myself getting very excited for it. Mostly due to the fact that for 15 years strait, I have gotten some LEGO for Christmas. But this year I am more exited by that fact that I am giving LEGO, rather then receiving LEGO. ( I do believe I am, but with the numbering system used by my family, I can't be positive) To elaborate, I built a ship, and bought the parts off Bricklink to build another. The ship is a present for my Dad, who is somewhat into LEGO, but also into ships. I feel he will really enjoy the present

On another Christmasy note, is the Cross Bone Clipper.

In the Christmas of either 1997 or 1998 (My memory is a little hazy in that era) I received 6250 Cross Bone Clipper. This would have been my third Pirate set (After 1464/1696 Pirate Lookout and 6252 Sea Mates) and my last pirate set until the year 2008, when the Pirates 2 came out. At the time, I wasn't really into pirates, and this ship was just "Oh cool, Pirate ship!". Now, after 13/14 years, all I can say about this is "Oh, ugly Pirate ship." Well, it is more then that. It has quite a lot of nostalgia for an ship that would accurately be described as a dingy. Not to mention those are my favorite hulls. Hmmmm, I all of a sudden want to build a revamped version of this. And on top of it all, it does have some good pieces in it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

HMS Brunswick

Going to start things off here with my first large ship, the HMS Brunswick. I built it about mid 2010, so it isn't the oldest ship I could have gone with.

The HMS Brunswick wasn't also my first large ship, it was also my first S.H.I.P. To those uneducated to the term, it stands for Seriously Huge Investment in Parts. It also was my first ship to break over 10 guns, having 22. My previous high being 10, this more then doubled the amount, though admittedly, 12 of the 22 are simply this piece. Also, this ship simply had the most rigging I had ever done on a ship, and possibly even more then all the previous ones combined. I didn't actually measure the amount of sting, but I imagine it was over 100 feet (My other ships of the same size used about 110 feet or so)

To put things simply, this ship shattered many records of my ship building skills, some of which have already been broken.

However, this ship wasn't perfect. Looking at it now, i see that I could have improved on it in many ways. First, the stern, while nice, is a bit messy. It could have been coloured a bit better. Random bits of dark bley here and there, a random light bley, not to mention my skills at angling walls have progressed. The bow is something I still have problems with, but this one still has me satisfied. I also still have trouble with making properly dimensioned sails, though I have since moved on to using cloth sails for most of my ships, somthing which has made it slightly harder.

The reason I built it? Well, I was reading Master and Commander (Nothing at all like the movie with the same name) and it had a diagran fo the ship in it, and I was sudeenly hit with the inspiration to build it in LEGO. Thus, the HMS Brunswick was built, blogged, and broken. Not to mention it took a trip to Seattle in 2010...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time to make port

Well, this is my new Lego Pirate blog, where I will post anything and everything Piratey that I feel like posting. I am a pretty lazy person, so I don't expect to be updating with any regularity. It will probably focus more on what I do, then what others build. (There is a blog somewhere for that, anyways)

The main reason for creating this blog, was so I could have someplace to put a project of mind, a project that is still a ways away from being at a point where it will be shown here, but in the meantime, I thought I'd get this blog started